I really like this track. You really captured the feeling of suspense, although I find the noise-drone at the end a little bit too prominent. Since I imagine this song in a videogame like Deus Ex or Shadowrun, in an area where you are not allowed to be - a stealth mission sort of - then you would probably listen to this for quite a while and then this could be a bit distracting. I am talking about that drone-noise-pad that starts at 00:02, 0:12 and so forth. Other than that I think you really fulfilled your goal and I had no problems imagining this piece in a cyberpunk game/movie. Maybe a little bit more variation would be nice but since this is a WIP I think you will improve this. Other than that I can only say that from my perspective you are going in the right direction with this. Nice work :)
P.S.: While I am writing this I probably listened to the song for ~20 times and it is really not distracting but still keeps me sitting straight up in my chair. Good job!